Monday, December 29, 2008

New Tattoos!!!

On Saturday December 8, 2008...Wildhog, myself and Wildhog's sis Terri went to get new tattoos at Superchango in The Woodlands
Kemper got this one...
Claddagh is a reinvention of the popular icon of Irish heritage as both a friendship and wedding ring. The design consists of two clasped hands holding a crowned heart, symbolizing love, friendship and loyality.Kemper added three roses, one for each of our kids.

This was Terri's first her motto is "go big or go home"...the look on her face her says "GO HOME" to me...maybe that's just me...?

Terri...has a memory of Arizona...but mostly her tattoo symbolizes a new journey in she chose a Phoenix. A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage (or purple and blue, by some sources. It has a 600-800 year life-cycle, and near the end the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek). The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death; It is a symbol of fire and divinity.

And me...Kemper's lips on my shoulder...enough said.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Saturday, October 11, 2008
Kemper and I...well first let me just say we took the day off from work so we could get our chores done and got into the vodka pretty early while decorating our bike for the Halloween season...Boney on the back and Skull on the front...we started out from our house at about hoping we'd get to wear our leathers...but you guessed it...too warm...yuck, we've had chilly mornings all week and this morning was warm we decided to just pack our Rum Punch and leave the leathers at home...stupid...yeah about 30 minutes down the road I was freezing...but I managed, the sun was warm in can bet the leathers are on the bike now...I won't take 'em off until about July next year.
We met Monica and Dusty at their house and rode to Crazy Frogs Saloon, that's where the ride starts. They wait until we are there to tell us Bennett won't be there for an hour and a we eat and sit around visit Ross and Rhonda from the Rally last was good to see them. Speaking of Rally...IKE took care of that this was still advertising that it would go on as planned even though Galveston is destroyed...but last week they announced that it would rescheduled for December 12th. Not good for any of us. So I guess we'll miss it this year. Anne's house did okay some damage of course...but it will be fine, still no power in that area, a month later.
By now we are getting pretty antsy to ride so we go to Bennett’s work and wait for him. I wasn't long and we took off. First stop the Thirsty Parrott. Okay the way this ride works is that we have these poker chips we show each time we go into the bar and the give use tickets good for door prizes at the end...we please keep in mind that I'd had a lot of vodka the night before...not feeling so hot by now...and when we waked in the Thirsty Parrott these chicks sitting at he door were dressed as Pirates and screamed Arrgggg, come in matey...several times if I recall...okay enough already...well then I could tell I was getting edgy...maybe I needed a MIDOL or I have some on the I go out to get them...I walk back through the door and you guessed it...all the Pirate Shenanigans now I'm ready to pop this girl in the mouth...I go to Kemper he has a beer waiting for me and I can't get the freaking pills out of the #*&king child proof I'm making Pirate grunts and noises...I tell Kemper I want my camera but if I walk past the girls again I'm gonna smack ‘em. He gets the camera for are some pics.
We're off stop Harley and Horses...we had fun here...I was badged an Official Ass Kisser...duh. Knew that. Kemper brought his smuggled Cuban Cigars to share with Dusty and we got a table to ourselves... Dusty made a snide remark to Monica while looking at her through his bad eye...something to the effect she didn't look too bad. So Monica sat giving Dusty the stink eye for the rest of the time there anyway.
On to the next place...Cypress Saloon...we get to eat our $25 dollar sandwich there we are all starving...we hang out there until all the drawings are done Monica had to leave to go to her volunteer thing Angie met us there to pick her up. She also had bough tickets for the drawing to be held we had to wait around to see if she won anything...she didn't. But I think I did find my mom's next husband...
Well the four of us aren't really ready to give it up yet so we decide we'll go out to the Farm and Ranch club to hang out while Monica works. So on the way they Bennett is crazy tired and many beers and on one little tiny $25 sandwich, not to mention the girls in the cars are very distracting to Bennett as this time. So he's having a bit of trouble remembering to put his bike in first gear at the MANY stop lights...we laugh lots on the ride there. Once at the Farm and Ranch club Monica advises us NOT to come in it's the boys drink rum punch in the parking lot...Dusty is wanting to ride to Galveston at 6 pm and it's gonna get cold...and you know who....didn't pack before that got outta hand (meaning he could have talked Kemper into it) Kemper and I decided to go home before the sun went any was a long day...but a really fun day...any day is good day to hang out with them...

Up to Date...

Wow...A lot has happened since the last entry...where to start...
I guess to keep from boring everyone...I'll tell you about IKE.
Man...I've never been through anything like this before in my life...I've been in this area a long time, but have been fortunate to not have experienced a bad Hurricane until now. Now keep in mind we are 100 miles from the coast.
BUGGING OUT - Thursday, Sept 11. Everyone was leaving town, securing their property, etc...traffic was already really bad with people trying to evacuate from the in the slacker fashion that we are...Kemper and I went home too. We went to the grocery store which was already striped of everything...then after an hour and a half we made to the liquor store near our house and bought vodka...the big bottle! While in the liquor store many where there buying the hurricane leaving I announced over my shoulder to some other ladies in the store "Happy Hurricane!". They giggled and said "Same to ya!" Little did I know I'd eat those words.
Anyway, Kemper and I got home I made soup to have for our hurricane guest (Kemper's sister and brother in-law, two kids and a dog planned to evacuate to our house from Clear Lake.) We started drinking...that's kinda all I remember about that day...and Friday...oh well Terri, Garland, the kids and the dog arrived sometime after noon. Soon after they got there Kemper and I went to mom's to help her secure her place and the patio items at Joann and Bill's place...
Back at home...with the TV on with nothing but hurricane coverage...remembering that we have 3 tubs of frozen Margarita in the freezer we are drinking still and playing games...watching TV...eating...oh I have to tell about Cory...Kemper's nephew...he's funny...The guys went to the grocery to get snacks...and brought back several half gallons of ice cream...that was Cory's hurricane food...while sitting around waiting on the storm, eating ice cream...Cory said "the TV guy just said not to scare you or anything but...if you are still in Galveston you should leave or face certain death”...Cory said "I think that's pretty scary"...he's a funny kid, cracks me up...
Later that evening Mom and Kevin came over and we played Rummicub...I got it now Garland!!!! Ready when you are!
Alright, skipping ahead to 2 am Saturday morning...all hell is breaking now we have no power and the wind and rain are pounding us...we were all up and down all night just watching portions of the fence come down...I'm scared by now...but if this is as bad as it gets it's fine...Kemper tells me at one point we are in the eye and have about an hour before the other side hits...we go back to bed and get up to more pouring rain...OMG! the water...I cook breakfast. (that's what I do when I'm nervous)
The street is flooded, our front yard is flooded, the back yard is flooded, the water is about 8 feet from our back patio...we sit in the garage just watching it rain...the ice cream is melting so I think they ate ice cream a couple more the garage...I cut up some cheese and set out crackers.
As time passes...the water is about an inch from coming onto the back patio and Garland is in the garage with a broom sweeping water out of the garage...this is not end in sight...the rain just keeps coming...this is when Kemper decides something has to happen...the water is gonna get in the house. He and Garland go to the back yard and started knocking down portions of the fence that didn't go in the this point Kemper is in water above his knees in our back yard...I'm scared now, the neighbors are going to shelter and we have minnows swimming in our garage...I can't stand the thought of our house being ruined...I made a veggie tray...the neighbor comes over secures our side gate open to allow the water to run out and Kemper and Garland have broken down the back fence so the water could flow out within about and hour or so the water was receding...thank God and Kemper and the rain is slowing quite a bit...Still no power, water or cell phone service but we are okay...Terri and Garland are wanting to go home...they are terribly worried about the condition of their early afternoon they loaded up and took off back to Clear Lake, we were scared for them but totally understood them wanting to get home and assess their own damages...It's over...Kemper and I are rattled but okay...I wanted to go check on mom and Kevin...the damage between our house and mom's was many huge trees much debris. They are's fence even stayed in place. I was good just to put my eyes on them! We didn't stay long we didn't want to get caught after dark. so back home we go to bed really early since we have no power and we are exhausted. Thank God this is over...
What??? the Lightening and the Thunder???? Why??? Yep another storm coming through more rain...NO MORE RAIN!!!! Needless to say...We all (Me, Kemper and Rhed) slept in the closet...I can't take it anymore.
Sunday, we wake up it's over, really it's over now...the air is cool and the sun may try to come out's over. Still with no power or water...we stike out to see if we can see the kids for a few minutes…they are with friends in a heavily hit area…we don’t get to see them but the nightbor says they are fine…just out sight seeing…after that we sit in the garage and drink...eating everything we can in the freezers cooking all sorts of crazy and Kevin come over we sit in the garage and play Rummicub for the next few days, going out from time to time to look for ice and water...oh...and the pigs...we have pigs now, 6 we cleaned out the freezer and feed the pigs for a whole week...Kemper fed them bacon...they were fun...kept my mind off the fact that this could last for a while and the hummingbirds...we had more hummingbirds that week than I've had all that was my bright star...the ray of hope I needed. Wednesday mom went back to work...Thursday I went back to work... Kemper had no power till Monday. Mom got power back on Friday...after 1week without power or water Kemper and I move into Joann and Bill's house down the street from was nice to live a few doors down from her for a while...thank God for Joann and Bill's kindness. Kemper and I got power back on at our house 14 days after IKE and water 20days after IKE was safe to drink again.
Whew! Needless to say...we are having some work done to our back yard...had some drainage issues for sure. Still have pigs....they aren't as welcome as before...they have torn our yard up pretty bad and have wallowed the hole out even more that the storm they are just nasty things in my yard...BUT the ray of happiness still remains just in watching Kemper chase them around and throw rocks at's funny...makes my smile to write about it!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hello All!!!

Well some of you have been asking what's been going on since April, my last entry.

Not much really!!!

However, Wildhog and I did get a house...and in the Wildhog fashion it all happened in a matter of days.
It’s in Magnolia but not too far from where the apartment was that we lived in so its still really easy for work and the kids.
I don’t know who was more excited me or Kemper...I really think Kemper… OMG!
So all went really quickly because we told everyone that we’d have a Memorial Day party in our new house. Wow! What were we thinking’?
Kemper had to go to Dallas on Tuesday, (May 20) for meetings Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. I was to pick up the keys on Tuesday afternoon. It turned out that Kemper’s meeting got canceled for Wednesday so he got back home on Tuesday night...I was at my mom’s finishing up some sewing projects we had going on in Danni’s room.
The movers are coming on Thursday...we aren’t really ready...but we will be ready.
Tuesday night we go over to the house with a few things and just kind of hang out and plot out our plan. Wednesday we load the truck and start hauling things over on our own...we unloaded boxes and went back to the apartment for more...we did this all day while the window repairman was there...oh I forgot to mention the neighbor kids shot our back window out with a BB gun…Yeah...Kemper caught them...they won’t be doing that again...well, not to Kemper’s house anyway. So anyway...long story short...we are moving in...for the next 4 days we worked from 8 in the morning until midnight or later...We made our party date with most boxes unpacked and in their place….4 ceiling fans hung and all windows draped. Hotdogs, beer and Margarita’s for everyone.

Monday, April 28, 2008

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Hill Country

Friday, April 11, 2008
Kemper has been planning this trip for quit some time... I have to tell you the guy is the worst at keeping secrets...but with this trip he kept a secret. I mean of course I knew we were going to Wimberley on the bike...but he never let on about where we'd stay at all.
But anyway, I have to start earlier in the week...we found a more apartment living for us! So with the upcoming trip planned and finding the house, we knew we really had something to celebrate (other than our crazy love/lust for each other...heehee) we have the house to celebrate...we'll sign on the house we didn't....
Come Thursday night we had our bags all packed...but still didn't have the house thing buttoned down...10 pm our Realtor called and said "meet me at the office at 9:30 am...hopefully everything will be there". So Friday morning comes around and we load up, go to the bank get the cashiers check, and take off to the office. Our papers were there, we signed everything. Woohoo! and off we went to start our trip. Oh, we move on May 22.
As we take off Kemper says, "we need to stop on down the road for sunscreen"...the morning was much cooler than we had expected, but for now it was fine we were just so happy to be on our way, finally. The wind this spring has not been a bikers friend and as we approached the prairies it was just awful.
Despite the wind, the scenery is one point we got stopped by a train so I ask Kemper to pull into a gas station so I could put my sweatshirt on...little did I know, this sweatshirt was gonna be my best friend for the entire trip. Oh, did I mention we didn't bring our leathers?...yeah...we didn't, it's spring time...the weatherman said it was going to be around 80 degrees...and sunny, why would we?
After about 3 and half hours ride...we arrive in was so pretty, we were so glad to see it...we love to ride, but we love to get off that thing after 3 and a half hours. We go to the check in place and get our key and map to our secluded Bungalow. But first things first, we need something to drink...we ask where to get a beer and she sends us to I'Noz Brew and Chew. We sit on the patio and share a $6 pitcher of beer...I'm excited and want to go on to the house...I can't wait to see it.
We look at our directions to the house and take off. We drive down little monkey roads until finally we pull up to the house............
Okay maybe I was expecting a little something different...shacks aren't usually Kemper's style...much less a BARN! Keeping my "sunny disposition" I remain appearing to be excited...he's told me a this point that he'd ordered wine, cheese and fruit to be waiting upon our arrival...Great...hope we beat the rats to it! And wine is probably going to be the only thing that makes think this is a good idea! So without further hesitation we go inside...
OMG! The place is gorgeous...crazy beautiful...for real! Everything was had everything...a private pool, and private hot tub...the wine (funny it was Penguin, we used to drink that all the time) the cheese and fruit tray was beautiful, fresh this is more like what I expected out of Kemper.
We enjoy each other so much and we both love to we decided before hopping into the hot tub we'd run back into town and get some things so we could cook our dinner and just hang out and enjoy the house. We emptied out the bag and went to the grocery. We bought wine, beer, pork chops and veggies, at the house we snacked on our fruit and cheese and Kemper cooked on the grill while I sat in the hot tub and drank my beer (see why I enjoy cooking so much?). Later that night we sat outside looked at the stars and just talked and enjoyed each other's company. After a long bath in the over sized BLACK bath tub we went to bed looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.
Saturday morning. realize I never mentioned Kemper putting on sunscreen right?...that's because he didn't, he is burnt to a crisp, so he put on tons today...too little, too late. Our mission was to go into Wimberley...oh shoot, I forgot to tell you about the bread....yeah...Kemper also had this homemade Poppyseed bread in the house for us (of course he did, right?) for breakfast we had coffee, this yummy bread and more anyway, heehee...We take off into town to see what's going on...after shopping around Wimberley for awhile, we come across this store that we both just fell in love with, it's called "Wall Street Western" kind of Rockstar Western/Biker gear...Kemper found a pair of boots he felt he just MUST have, Jacque the owner, was so wishing he'd buy them and offered him a deal of $1950....he tells her if I'd not just bought a house they'd be sold...yeah right. I'm telling ya, if you are ever there stop in and just look around, so much bling, so many, many rhinestones...I love Rhinestones...bring the credit card with some limit left on it...cause you are gonna wanna use it! I wonder if they have some knock-offs of those boots on the WalMart website...think Kemper would settle for that? I'm gonna check into it.
After draggin Kemper out of Wall Street we decided to go to Fredricksburg to some of the Winery's...this ride was nice, windy and cold of course, (stupid weatherman) but interesting...riding along on 290 we see this huge sculpture of a bull or something...with a sign reading sculpture ranch 5 miles...well of course we wanted see more...for what seemed like 20 miles and many cattle guards we come up to this ranch with tons of this crazy, wild art...the roads weren't exactly constructed for motorcycles so we didn't want to risk it and turned around without going all the way in.
The first vineyard we passed we couldn't get into because a tour bus high centered on the driveway (I guess no one told the driver he wasn't supposed to partake of the tasting) so we went on past to Becker it was so crowded we couldn't even get around, we tasted a couple and left...from there we went to the one the bus was stuck on, by now it was clear so we went to Rosewood Vineyard...sorry no exterior wasn't as beautiful as Becker, but it was so much more what we had in mind...this place was run by pure Texas country boys...the atmosphere was casual and laid back and very comfortable. Instead of tasting we just went for the whole glass of their was yummy...we only had one glass and bought a bottle for later. The wind and cold was taking a toll on us so we wanted to get back to Wimberley and check out this place we'd read about called the Green Door biker bar. We were really tired of dodging this cloud the whole time, we would get around it and warm up a bit and then it was over us again. The trip back included a ride through the Devil's Backbone...what a great ride...lots of cool turns and hills, and animals...all kinds of animals to see...Llamas, goats, sheep (furry pigs if you ask Pam), donkeys, exotic deer and then at the end of the road was of course The Devils Backbone Tavern, by this time we could use a break and a beer.
Arriving in Wimberley the sun was beginning to set, we still wanted to find the Green Door hoping to buy a souvenir shirt. We ask some local biker's but they'd never heard of it...I called information...they'd never heard of it...oh well...maybe next time. We do intend to come back, so many things to see, so little time...back at the house we have leftovers, beer and wine...we're cold, hungry and pretty wind beaten. So we head back out there. Our house is very really anything goes're in your own little piece of Paradise...we come in, strip out of all our clothes, go outside to get in the Hot Tub...we're tired, freezing and need to warm up quickly. After two or three times in and out getting wine, food, etc. we finally sit still and quiet...except it's not so quiet...we hear this woman talking...constant talking...blah, blah, blah...I look over and I see a man...with knee socks and tennis shoes...great, we have neighbors...they obviously where not there last night...well while she's talking the poor guys ear off...he getting a free show...I believe it's the only thing that kept the guy from shooting himself or her...the way I see it, it was his eyes he had to poke out, so if he chose to look...that was all on him.
Sunday. We're heading home today...check out is 11, so we get up, pack up, load the bike and go in for some breakfast. After breakfast, Kemper wants to go back to Wall Street and try on the's deal was $1600. man he is really wanting them now...still no go, however, I found a pair for myself that will go with my chaps my mom gave me that belonged to my dad...the chaps need some girling up, so these boots will be great! Jacque will ship them to me and I'll have them in a few days.
Once done with that, on our way back to the bike, we stumble upon the Wimberley Zoo...what a funny sight...Kemper even met a new friend...too bad he was a pot head, but so was Kemper a few years ago, so he'd didn't judge.
Our ride back included a stop a the Mandola Winery...what a lovely place...the air there smelled so time we'll have lunch there and stay for the tour. We bought another bottle of wine...squeezed it in the bags and took off for home. The ride back was cold, cold, and windy as all hell, but totally sunny...Kemper stopped several times to reapply sunscreen to his already brittle face.
Once back on our side of the world...we can't wait until the next time take leathers for sure and apply sunscreen BEFORE you leave the house.
Join us on April 27th, we are meeting a group at Stubbs on Telephone Road at 7:30am (free breakfast and coffee) to Ride for the Kids..., hope to see you there!