Wow...A lot has happened since the last entry...where to start...
I guess to keep from boring everyone...I'll tell you about IKE.
Man...I've never been through anything like this before in my life...I've been in this area a long time, but have been fortunate to not have experienced a bad Hurricane until now. Now keep in mind we are 100 miles from the coast.
BUGGING OUT - Thursday, Sept 11. Everyone was leaving town, securing their property,

etc...traffic was already really bad with people trying to evacuate from the in the slacker fashion that we are...Kemper and I went home too. We went to the grocery store which was already striped of everything...then after an hour and a half we made to the liquor store near our house and bought vodka...the big bottle! While in the liquor store many where there buying the hurricane leaving I announced over my shoulder to some other ladies in the store "Happy Hurricane!". They giggled and said "Same to ya!" Little did I know I'd eat those words.
Anyway, Kemper and I got home I made soup to have for our hurricane guest (Kemper's sister and brother in-law, two kids and a dog planned to evacuate to our house from Clear Lake.) We

started drinking...that's kinda all I remember about that day...and Friday...oh well Terri, Garland, the kids and the dog arrived sometime after noon. Soon after they got there Kemper and I went to mom's to help her secure her place and the patio items at Joann and Bill's place...
Back at home...with the TV on with nothing but hurricane

coverage...remembering that we have 3 tubs of frozen Margarita in the freezer we are drinking still and playing games...watching TV...eating...oh I have to tell about Cory...Kemper's nephew...he's funny...The guys went to the grocery to get snacks...and brought back several half gallons of ice cream...that was Cory's hurricane food...while sitting around waiting on the storm, eating ice cream...Cory said "the TV guy just said not to scare you or anything but...if you are still in Galveston you should leave or face certain death”...Cory said "I think that's pretty scary"...he's a funny kid, cracks me up...
Later that evening Mom and Kevin came over and we played Rummicub...I got it now Garland!!!! Ready when you are!

Alright, skipping ahead to 2 am Saturday morning...all hell is breaking now we have no power and the wind and rain are pounding us...we were all up and down all night just watching portions of the fence come down...I'm scared by now...but if this is as bad as it gets it's fine...Kemper tells me at one point we are in the eye and have about an hour before the other side hits...we go back to bed and get up to more pouring rain...OMG! the water...I cook breakfast. (that's what I do when I'm nervous)
The street is flooded, our front yard is flooded, the back yard is flooded, the water is about 8 feet

from our back patio...we sit in the garage just watching it rain...the ice cream is melting so I think they ate ice cream a couple more the garage...I cut up some cheese and set out crackers.
As time passes...the water is about an inch from coming onto the back patio and Garland is in the garage with a broom sweeping water out of the garage...this is not end in sight...the rain

just keeps coming...this is when Kemper decides something has to happen...the water is gonna get in the house. He and Garland go to the back yard and started knocking down portions of the fence that didn't go in the this point Kemper is in water above his knees in our back yard...I'm scared now, the neighbors are going

to shelter and we have minnows swimming in our garage...I can't stand the thought of our house being ruined...I made a veggie tray...the neighbor comes over secures our side gate open

to allow the water to run out and Kemper and Garland have broken down the back fence so the water could flow out within about and hour or so the water was receding...thank God and Kemper and the rain is slowing quite a bit...Still no power, water or cell phone service but we are okay...Terri and Garland are wanting to go home...they are terribly worried about the condition of their early afternoon they loaded up and took off back to Clear Lake, we were scared for them but totally understood them wanting to get home and assess their own damages...It's over...Kemper and I are rattled but okay...I wanted to go check on mom and Kevin...the damage between our house and mom's was many huge trees much debris. They are's fence even stayed in place. I was good just to p
ut my eyes on them! We didn't stay long we didn't want to get caught after dark. so back home we go to bed really early since we have no power and we are exhausted. Thank God this is over...
What??? the Lightening and the Thunder???? Why??? Yep another storm coming through more rain...NO MORE RAIN!!!! Needless to say...We all (Me, Kemper and Rhed) slept in the closet...I can't take it anymore.
Sunday, we wake up it's over, really it's over now...the air is cool and the sun may try to come out's over. Still with no power or water...we stike out to see if we can see the kids for a few minutes…they are with friends in a heavily hit area…we don’t get to see them but the

nightbor says they are fine…just out sight seeing…after that we sit in the garage and drink...eating everything we can in the freezers cooking all sorts of crazy and Kevin come over we sit in the garage and play Rummicub for the next few days, going out from time to time to look for ice and water...oh...and the pigs...we have pigs now, 6 we cleaned out the freezer and feed the pigs for a whole week...Kemper fed them bacon...they were

fun...kept my mind off the fact that this could last for a while and the hummingbirds...we had more hummingbirds that week than I've had all that was my bright star...the ray of hope I needed. Wednesday mom went back to work...Thursday I went back to work... Kemper had no power till Monday. Mom got power back on Friday...after 1week without power or water Kemper and I move into Joann and Bill's house down the street from was nice to live a few doors down from her for a while...thank God for Joann and Bill's kindness. Kemper and I got power back on at our house 14 days after IKE and water 20days after IKE was safe to drink again.
Whew! Needless to say...we are having some work done to our back yard...had some drainage issues for sure. Still have pigs....they aren't as welcome as before...they have torn our yard up pretty bad and have wallowed the hole out even more that the storm they are just nasty things in my yard...BUT the ray of happiness still remains just in watching Kemper chase them around and throw rocks at's funny...makes my smile to write about it!